Data Result From Reading What Others Have Experienced or Observed and Written Down.

Writing reports

This guide has been written to provide a general introduction to writing reports. It outlines the typical structure of a study and provides a pace by step guide to producing reports that are clear and well structured.

Other useful guides:

  • Fugitive plagiarism
  • Referencing and bibliographies

What is a report?

A report is written for a clear purpose and to a particular audience. Specific information and evidence are presented, analysed and applied to a particular problem or upshot. The information is presented in a clearly structured format making use of sections and headings so that the information is easy to locate and follow.

When you are asked to write a written report you will usually be given a study brief which provides you with instructions and guidelines. The report brief may outline the purpose, audience and trouble or consequence that your study must accost, together with whatsoever specific requirements for format or construction. This guide offers a general introduction to report writing; be sure as well to take business relationship of specific instructions provided by your section.

What makes a good study?

Ii of the reasons why reports are used as forms of written assessment are:

  • to find out what you accept learned from your reading, research or experience;
  • to give you feel of an of import skill that is widely used in the piece of work place.

An effective report presents and analyses facts and evidence that are relevant to the specific problem or event of the study brief. All sources used should be best-selling and referenced throughout, in accord with the preferred method of your section. For farther information see: Avoiding Plagiarism. The style of writing in a study is usually less discursive than in an essay, with a more direct and economical employ of language. A well written report will demonstrate your ability to:

  • empathise the purpose of the report cursory and adhere to its specifications;
  • gather, evaluate and analyse relevant information;
  • structure material in a logical and coherent order;
  • present your report in a consistent manner co-ordinate to the instructions of the report brief;
  • make advisable conclusions that are supported past the prove and assay of the report;
  • make thoughtful and practical recommendations where required.

Examples of report writing tasks

Commencement Year (Chemists)

"Prepare a written study of upward to two pages (maximum) which presents your arguments for and against silicon-based life with particular emphasis of the differences and similarities of the chemical science of carbon and silicon."

2nd Twelvemonth (Chemists)

"Ready a written report (iv pages maximum including diagrams) on a chemical topic of your choice."

Third Year (Chemists)

"You should prepare a project report on your third year extended laboratory project (forty folio max.). Your report should contain a review of the relevant master literature as well as describing your experimental methods, results and discussion and final conclusions. The written report will be assessed for structure, clarity, production quality and understanding and analysis (full criteria available on Blackboard)."

The construction of a written report

The chief features of a report are described below to provide a general guide. These should be used in conjunction with the instructions or guidelines provided past your section.

Title Page

This should briefly but explicitly draw the purpose of the study (if this is not obvious from the title of the piece of work). Other details you may include could be your name, the date and for whom the report is written.

Geology of the land around Buoy Hill, Leicestershire
Angus Taylor
2 November 2004

Example of a title page

Terms of Reference

Under this heading yous could include a cursory explanation of who volition read the report (audition) why information technology was written (purpose) and how it was written (methods). It may exist in the form of a subtitle or a single paragraph.

A report submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for Grade GL456, Department of Geology, Academy of Leicester.

Example of terms of reference

Summary (Abstruse)

The summary should briefly depict the content of the written report. It should cover the aims of the report, what was found and what, if any, action is called for. Aim for about 1/2 a folio in length and avert item or discussion; just outline the primary points. Remember that the summary is the first thing that is read. It should provide the reader with a clear, helpful overview of the content of the report.

Exposure of rocks belonging to the Charnian Supergroup (late Precambrian) were examined in the expanse effectually Beacon Hill, north Leicestershire. This report aims to provide details of the stratigraphy at three sites - Copt Oak, Mount St. Bernard Abbey and Oaks in Charnwood. It was observed that at each of these sites, the Charnian Supergroup consists mainly of volcaniclastic sediments (air-fall and ash-period tuffs) interbedded with mudstones and siltstones. These rocks prove features that are feature of deposition in shallow water on the flanks of a volcano (e.thousand. welding and alteration of ignimbrites). Further studies are required to understand depositional mechanisms and to evaluate the present-day thickness of individual rock units.

Case of a summary (abstract)

Contents (Table of Contents)

The contents folio should list the different chapters and/or headings together with the page numbers. Your contents folio should be presented in such a mode that the reader can quickly scan the listing of headings and locate a particular function of the report. You may want to number affiliate headings and subheadings in improver to providing page references. Whatever numbering system you employ, be sure that it is clear and consequent throughout.


The introduction sets the scene for the master body of the written report. The aims and objectives of the report should be explained in detail. Whatsoever problems or limitations in the scope of the written report should be identified, and a description of inquiry methods, the parameters of the inquiry and any necessary background history should be included.

In some reports, particularly in science subjects, separate headings for Methods and Results are used prior to the main torso (Discussion) of the written report as described below.


Information under this heading may include: a list of equipment used; explanations of procedures followed; relevant information on materials used, including sources of materials and details of any necessary grooming; reference to whatsoever problems encountered and subsequent changes in procedure.


This department should include a summary of the results of the investigation or experiment together with any necessary diagrams, graphs or tables of gathered data that support your results. Present your results in a logical gild without comment. Discussion of your results should take place in the main torso (Discussion) of the report.


The main body of the report is where you discuss your cloth. The facts and evidence you have gathered should be analysed and discussed with specific reference to the problem or issue. If your discussion section is lengthy you lot might separate it into department headings. Your points should be grouped and arranged in an order that is logical and easy to follow. Use headings and subheadings to create a clear construction for your material. Utilize bullet points to present a series of points in an easy-to-follow listing. As with the whole report, all sources used should be acknowledged and correctly referenced. For further guidance come across: Referencing and Bibliographies.


In the determination you should evidence the overall significance of what has been covered. You lot may want to remind the reader of the most important points that have been made in the study or highlight what y'all consider to be the most central problems or findings. However, no new material should be introduced in the conclusion.


Under this heading you should include all the supporting information you have used that is non published. This might include tables, graphs, questionnaires, surveys or transcripts. Refer to the appendices in the body of your report.

In gild to assess the popularity of this alter, a questionnaire (Appendix two) was distributed to 60 employees. The results (Appendix 3) suggest the modify is well received by the majority of employees.

Example of use of appendices


Your bibliography should listing, in alphabetical guild past author, all published sources referred to in your report. There are dissimilar styles of using references and bibliographies. Refer to the study guide Referencing and Bibliographies and cheque your departmental handbook for guidelines. Texts which you consulted but did not refer to directly could be grouped nether a separate heading such equally 'Background Reading' and listed in alphabetical guild using the same format as in your bibliography.


Where advisable you may wish to acknowledge the aid of item organisations or individuals who provided information, advice or assistance.

Glossary of Technical Terms

Information technology is useful to provide an alphabetical list of technical terms with a brief, articulate description of each term. You can also include in this section explanations of the acronyms, abbreviations or standard units used in your report.

Yous will not necessarily be required to apply all of the headings described above, nor will they necessarily exist in the order given here. Check your departmental guidelines or instructions.

Writing the study: the essential stages

All reports need to be clear, concise and well structured. The key to writing an effective report is to allocate fourth dimension for planning and preparation. With careful planning, the writing of a report will be made much easier. The essential stages of successful written report writing are described beneath. Consider how long each stage is likely to take and divide the time earlier the deadline between the different stages. Be sure to exit time for final proof reading and checking.

Stage One: Understanding the report brief

This first stage is the most important. You need to be confident that you understand the purpose of your report equally described in your report cursory or instructions. Consider who the written report is for and why it is existence written. Check that you understand all the instructions or requirements, and ask your tutor if annihilation is unclear.

Stage Two: Gathering and selecting information

Once y'all are clear about the purpose of your report, you demand to begin to gather relevant information. Your information may come from a variety of sources, merely how much information you lot will need will depend on how much detail is required in the report. You may want to begin by reading relevant literature to widen your understanding of the topic or outcome earlier y'all proceed to await at other forms of information such as questionnaires, surveys etc. As yous read and gather information yous need to appraise its relevance to your report and select appropriately. Go along referring to your report cursory to help yous determine what is relevant information.

Stage Three: Organising your material

In one case you have gathered information y'all demand to decide what will be included and in what sequence it should be presented. Begin past grouping together points that are related. These may course sections or capacity. Call back to proceed referring to the report brief and be prepared to cut whatsoever data that is not directly relevant to the written report. Choose an social club for your material that is logical and easy to follow.

Stage Four: Analysing your material

Before you brainstorm to write your showtime draft of the study, accept fourth dimension to consider and make notes on the points y'all will make using the facts and prove you take gathered. What conclusions can be drawn from the material? What are the limitations or flaws in the evidence? Do certain pieces of evidence conflict with 1 another? It is not plenty to simply present the information you have gathered; you must relate it to the problem or result described in the report cursory.

Stage Five: Writing the report

Having organised your cloth into appropriate sections and headings y'all can begin to write the commencement draft of your report. You may find it easier to write the summary and contents page at the end when you know exactly what will be included. Aim for a writing style that is straight and precise. Avoid waffle and make your points clearly and concisely. Chapters, sections and fifty-fifty individual paragraphs should be written with a clear construction. The structure described beneath can be adapted and applied to chapters, sections and even paragraphs.

  • Innovate the main idea of the chapter/section/paragraph
  • Explicate and aggrandize the idea, defining whatever cardinal terms.
  • Present relevant evidence to back up your betoken(s).
  • Annotate on each piece of bear witness showing how it relates to your point(s).
  • Conclude your chapter/department/paragraph by either showing its significance to the study every bit a whole or making a link to the next affiliate/section/paragraph.

Stage Six: Reviewing and redrafting

Ideally, you should go out fourth dimension to accept a interruption before you review your beginning typhoon. Be prepared to rearrange or rewrite sections in the lite of your review. Effort to read the draft from the perspective of the reader. Is information technology easy to follow with a clear structure that makes sense? Are the points concisely but clearly explained and supported by relevant evidence? Writing on a word processor makes information technology easier to rewrite and rearrange sections or paragraphs in your first draft. If yous write your first draft by mitt, try writing each section on a split up piece of paper to brand redrafting easier.

Stage Seven: Presentation

One time you are satisfied with the content and construction of your redrafted report, y'all can turn your attention to the presentation. Check that the diction of each affiliate/section/subheading is articulate and authentic. Check that you have adhered to the instructions in your report brief regarding format and presentation. Check for consistency in numbering of chapters, sections and appendices. Brand sure that all your sources are best-selling and correctly referenced. Y'all will need to proof read your report for errors of spelling or grammar. If fourth dimension allows, proof read more than once. Errors in presentation or expression create a poor impression and tin can make the report difficult to read.


Any feedback from tutors on returned work can be used to create a checklist of central points to consider for your next written report. Identify priority areas for attention and seek out further information and communication. Speak to your tutor or a drop-in written report support adviser. Used in this way, feedback from tutors tin provide a useful tool for developing and improving your writing skills.

Original author: University of Leicester


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