Can 2 C Sections Cause Low Back Pain, Painful Periods, a Tilted Uterus and Infertility

No, your chances of getting pregnant won't usually be affected by having a retroverted uterus (also known as a tipped uterus, tilted uterus or tilted womb). This is because your partner's sperm can travel through your cervix to reach one of your eggs regardless of whether your uterus tips forwards (anteverted) or backwards (retroverted). Having a retroverted uterus is usually completely harmless but can make sex painful in certain positions.

What is a retroverted uterus?

Anteverted uterusFor most women, the uterus (womb) tilts slightly forwards, towards the bladder. This is called an anteverted uterus.

Retroverted uterusAbout one in five women have a retroverted uterus, which means that the womb tilts slightly towards the lower back instead (Galan 2021, Jacobson 2020, O'Grady 2018).

Having a retroverted uterus won't usually affect you getting pregnant. In order to become pregnant, sperm needs to reach one of your eggs. Whether your uterus tilts forwards or backwards has no bearing on the ability of sperm to do this (Tobah 2019).

What are the symptoms of a tilted uterus?

Most women don't have any symptoms at all (Jacobson 2020, O'Grady 2018). In fact, you may only find out that your womb is tilted when you have a pelvic examination for another problem, such as heavy or painful periods (Galan 2021), or if you have an intrauterine device (IUD) fitted or removed (Prine and Shah 2018).

But in rare cases, you may have pelvic pain or discomfort (Jacobson 2020).

You may experience:

  • painful sex, which may feel like back pain or a tender cervix (Galan 2021)
  • leaking wee (urinary incontinence) or having trouble urinating (Galan 2021)
  • repeated urinary tract infections (UTIs) (Galan 2021)
  • discomfort when inserting tampons (Galan 2021)

If you're finding sex painful, try experimenting with different positions to see if you can find one that's comfortable. If sex continues to be painful, speak to your GP.

What causes a tilted uterus?

Some women naturally have a womb that has always tilted or tipped towards their lower back (O'Grady 2018). But it's also normal for your uterus to move around (O'Grady 2018). This can happen if the muscles and ligaments of your pelvis become weak, which may occur as you get older or as a result of previous pregnancies (Galan 2021). Sometimes fibroids can cause your uterus to tilt too (Galan 2021).

Can a retroverted uterus be a sign of something more serious?

In some cases, a retroverted uterus can be caused by scar tissue (adhesions) from previous surgery (Tobah 2019), such as caesarean section (Sanders and Parsons 2014). It can also be due to a condition, such as endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) (O'Grady 2018).

Although these conditions may make it more challenging for sperm to reach your egg, you can still get pregnant. However, you may benefit from seeing a fertility specialist (Tobah 2019).

Read up on the symptoms of endometriosis and PID, and see your GP if you think you could be affected.

Will I need treatment for my tilted uterus?

Ultrasound and MRI scanning can be used to help diagnose a trapped uterus (Han et al 2019, Shnaekel et al 2016). Most people don't know they have a tilted womb, and it won't cause problems. However, if you do have any symptoms that are affecting your quality of life or your ability to get pregnant, speak to your doctor.

Depending on your individual case, they may suggest exercises, a pessary to support your womb, or refer you to a specialist who may recommend surgery (Galan 2021).

If you're pregnant, in most cases doctors can reposition your womb manually with the help of an epidural (Han et al. 2019). But if you're not pregnant and your retroverted uterus is causing persistent pelvic pain, in rare cases they might recommend keyhole surgery called laparoscopic ventrosuspension. This moves the uterus so that it tips forwards.

What happens if I get pregnant with a retroverted uterus?

A retroverted uterus is unlikely to cause any problems for you and your baby. As your baby grows and your womb lifts out of your pelvis, the position of the uterus usually becomes the same as in any other pregnancy (Han et al 2019).

But very rarely, it can lead to a serious complication known as an incarcerated gravid uterus or trapped womb (Han et al 2019). This is more likely to happen if you have fibroids, endometriosis, adhesions or a uterine abnormality, such as having two wombs (Baba and Radswiki nd, Han et al 2019).

The symptoms of a trapped womb can be hard to distinguish from normal pregnancy side effects, such as needing to wee frequently and being constipated (Han et al 2019). But if you notice that you're having problems emptying your bladder, abdominal pain, or vaginal bleeding, let your midwife know straight away (Han et al 2019).

Most cases are diagnosed toward the end of the first trimester or at the beginning of the second trimester (Han et al 2019). When a womb remains trapped during pregnancy, it is recommended that your baby be born by planned caesarean section (Han et al 2019, Shnaekel et al 2016).

Learn about how common womb abnormalities affect fertility and pregnancy.


Baba Y, Radswiki et al. nd. Incarcerated uterus. Radiopedia. [Accessed July 2021]

Galan N. What causes a tilted uterus? Medical News Today. [Accessed July 2021]

Han C, Wang C, Han L, et al. 2019. Incarceration of the gravid uterus: a case report and literature review. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 19(1):408. [Accessed July 2021]

Jacobson JD. 2020. Retroversion of the uterus. MedlinePlus. [Accessed July 2021]

NICE. 2018. Fibroids: what are the complications? National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. [Accessed July 2021]

O'Grady JP. 2018. Malposition of the uterus. MedScape. [Accessed July 2021]

Prine L, Shah M. 2018. Long-Acting Reversible Contraception: Difficult Insertions and Removals. Am Fam Physician 98(5):304-309. [Accessed July 2021]

Sanders RC, Parsons AK. 2014. Anteverted retroflexed uterus: a common consequence of cesarean delivery. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 203(1):W117-24. [Accessed July 2021]

Shnaekel KL, Wendel MP, Rabie NZ, et al. 2016. Incarceration of the Gravid Uterus. Obstet Gynecol Surv 71(10):613-619. [Accessed July 2021]

Tobah YB. 2019. Tilted uterus: can it lead to infertility? Mayo Clinic. [Accessed July 2021]

Can 2 C Sections Cause Low Back Pain, Painful Periods, a Tilted Uterus and Infertility


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